Module: models/UTXO

UTXO Model for Satoshi Showdown. This model defines the structure and constraints for UTXOs on the platform.



  • module:mongoose

Type Definitions


UTXO Schema definition for Satoshi Showdown. Represents Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) data, crucial for tracking and managing cryptocurrency transactions. Includes references to users, events, and wallets, along with key transactional data like address, amount, and blockchain information.

  • Object
Name Type Description
userRef mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId

Reference to the User model, linking the UTXO to a specific user.

eventRef mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId

Reference to the Event model, associating the UTXO with a particular event.

address string

Address owning the UTXO.

amount number

Amount of cryptocurrency (in satoshis) represented by this UTXO.

transactionHash string

Hash of the transaction where this UTXO originated.

outputIndex number

Output index in the transaction (vout).

scriptPubKey string

ScriptPubKey for the output, defining how the UTXO can be spent.

scriptType string

Type of script, e.g., 'pay-to-pubkey-hash'.

blockHeight number

Block height at which this UTXO was mined (optional).

timestamp Date

Timestamp of when the transaction was confirmed.

spent boolean

Indicates if the UTXO has been spent.

spendingTxHash string

Transaction hash that spent this UTXO (if spent).

refund boolean

Marks the UTXO as part of a refund (optional).

refundTxHash string

Reference to the transaction that refunded this UTXO (if applicable).

keyPath string

HD wallet key path for this UTXO (optional).
