Module: models/Wallet

Wallet Model for Satoshi Showdown. This model defines the structure and constraints for cryptocurrency wallets associated with users on the platform. It includes critical details such as public addresses, encrypted private keys, wallet types, and balances. The model also tracks associated transaction references, making it a key component in managing financial activities and ensuring secure and efficient cryptocurrency transactions within the platform.



  • module:mongoose


(inner, constant) Wallet :WalletModel

  • WalletModel

Type Definitions


Wallet model based on the defined schema. Represents a cryptocurrency wallet in the Satoshi Showdown platform, encapsulating all necessary data and functionalities related to wallet management, transaction tracking, and cryptographic security. This model is central to the financial operations and integrity of the platform's cryptocurrency transactions.



Schema definition for the Wallet model. Specifies the structure, data types, and validation rules for fields associated with a cryptocurrency wallet. The schema includes fields for public address, encrypted private key, wallet type, and balances, along with references to related transaction records. This schema design ensures the secure and organized management of wallet-related data within the platform.

  • Object
Name Type Description
publicAddress string

Public address of the wallet, unique for each wallet.

encryptedPrivateKey Object

Encrypted private key details.

Name Type Description
iv string

Initialization vector for private key encryption.

content string

Encrypted private key content.

tag string

Authentication tag for encrypted private key.

walletType string

Type of the wallet, e.g., SegWit or Taproot.

confirmedBalance number

Confirmed balance of the wallet in cryptocurrency units.

unconfirmedBalance number

Unconfirmed balance of the wallet.

transactionRefs Array.<mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId>

References to transactions associated with the wallet.
