Module: models/Webhook

Webhook Model for Satoshi Showdown. This model is pivotal for tracking and managing blockchain event webhooks within the platform. It enables real-time monitoring and updates related to blockchain transactions and significant events, thus playing a crucial role in timely and accurate event handling. The model includes fields for webhook configuration, response data, type, associated transactions, status, confirmation tracking, and lifecycle management.



  • module:mongoose
  • module:uuid

Type Definitions


WebhookModel: Represents a blockchain event webhook in Satoshi Showdown. Encapsulates configuration, status, transaction association, and lifecycle management. Essential for asynchronous event integration and notifications from blockchain services.



WebhookSchema: Defines the structure and rules for blockchain event webhook data. Includes fields for unique identifier, response data, headers, body, type, related transaction, status, confirmation tracking, and lifecycle information. This schema ensures comprehensive management of webhooks.

  • Object
Name Type Description
urlId string

Unique identifier for the webhook.

response Object

Response data received from the external service.

headers Map

HTTP headers associated with the webhook request.

body *

Webhook payload, flexible in data type.

type string

Type of webhook, e.g., transaction confirmation.

transactionRef mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId

Reference to associated Transaction model.

status string

Current status of the webhook (pending, processing, success, failed).

confirmationsReceived Array.<Object>

Array of objects, each tracking a received confirmation number along with its timestamp.

lastProcessedConfirmation number

Last processed confirmation count.

currentConfirmation number

Current confirmation count.

isDeleted boolean

Indicates if the webhook is soft deleted.

deletedAt Date

Timestamp of webhook soft deletion.

lastAttempt Date

Timestamp of the last processing attempt.
