Database Utility for Satoshi Showdown. Provides functionality for connecting to and disconnecting from a MongoDB database using Mongoose. It ensures robust database interactions and handles potential connection and disconnection issues.
- Source:
- module:mongoose
- module:utils/logUtil
(async, inner) connectDatabase() → {Promise.<void>}
Connects to the MongoDB database. This function attempts to establish a connection to MongoDB using Mongoose based on the provided MongoDB URI in environment variables. Logs the connection status and throws an error if connection fails.
- Source:
Throws an error if the MongoDB URI is not defined or if the connection fails.
- Type
- Error
A promise that resolves when the connection is successful.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async, inner) disconnectDatabase() → {Promise.<void>}
Disconnects from the MongoDB database. This function closes the existing MongoDB connection using Mongoose. Logs the disconnection status and throws an error if disconnection fails.
- Source:
Throws an error if the disconnection fails.
- Type
- Error
A promise that resolves when the disconnection is successful.
- Type
- Promise.<void>