* @fileoverview Service for managing webhooks in Satoshi Showdown.
* Handles the lifecycle of webhooks including creation, processing, and deletion.
* Interacts with the BlockCypher API for blockchain event monitoring and manages local
* database records for webhooks. This service is integral to the platform's event-driven
* architecture, particularly for monitoring blockchain transactions.
* @module services/webhookService
* @requires models/webhookModel - Data model for webhooks.
* @requires services/transactionService - For updating transaction records.
* @requires services/walletService - For managing wallet operations.
* @requires utils/apiUtil - For making external API requests.
* @requires utils/errorUtil - For custom error handling.
* @requires utils/logUtil - For application-wide logging.
const Webhook = require("../models/webhookModel");
const { updateTransactionById } = require("./transactionService");
const { updateWalletBalanceById, addUTXOToWallet } = require("./walletService");
const { postAPI, deleteAPI } = require("../utils/apiUtil");
const { NotFoundError } = require("../utils/errorUtil");
const log = require("../utils/logUtil");
// Configuration for external API interaction
const apiBaseUrl = process.env.BLOCKCYPHER_BASE_URL;
const apiToken = process.env.BLOCKCYPHER_TOKEN;
* Creates a new webhook in the Satoshi Showdown application and registers it with BlockCypher.
* This webhook monitors blockchain events for a specific address and tracks transaction confirmations.
* @async
* @param {string} address - The blockchain address to monitor.
* @param {string} transactionRef - The reference ID of the associated transaction.
* @return {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the newly created webhook object.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during webhook creation or registration.
const createWebhook = async (
) => {
// Define the new webhook and save it in the database
const newWebhook = new Webhook({
type: "tx-confirmation",
await newWebhook.save();
// Register the webhook with BlockCypher
const callbackUrl = `${process.env.WEBHOOK_DOMAIN}/webhook/receive/${newWebhook.urlId}`;
const webhookData = {
event: "tx-confirmation",
address: monitoredAddress,
url: callbackUrl,
confirmations: 6,
token: apiToken,
const response = await postAPI(
// Update the local webhook record with the response
await Webhook.findByIdAndUpdate(newWebhook._id, { response });
log.debug(`Webhook created: ${JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)}`);
return newWebhook;
* Processes a received webhook by updating its status and associated transaction and wallet records.
* Efficiently handles the headers, body, and confirmation status of the incoming webhook data.
* @async
* @param {string} urlId - The unique identifier of the webhook.
* @param {Object} headers - The HTTP headers of the incoming webhook request.
* @param {Object} data - The JSON payload of the webhook request.
* @throws {NotFoundError} If the webhook with the specified URL ID is not found.
const processWebhook = async (urlId, headers, data) => {
let webhook = await _getWebhook(urlId);
// Update webhook with received data and process its status
const updateData = {
body: data,
...(await _processWebhookStatus(webhook, data.confirmations)),
webhook = await _updateWebhook(urlId, updateData);
// Process transaction and wallet updates based on webhook data
const { transactionUpdate, walletUpdate } =
await _processWebhookTransactionData(webhook);
const transaction = await updateTransactionById(
const wallet = await updateWalletBalanceById(webhook.walletRef, walletUpdate);
`Webhook processed: Transaction - ${transaction._id}, Wallet - ${wallet._id}`,
* Retrieves a specific webhook by its URL identifier from the database.
* This function is internal to the service and not exposed externally.
* @async
* @private
* @param {string} urlId - The URL identifier of the webhook.
* @return {Promise<Object>} The retrieved webhook object.
* @throws {NotFoundError} If the webhook with the specified URL ID is not found.
const _getWebhook = async (urlId) => {
const webhook = await Webhook.findOne({ urlId });
if (!webhook)
throw new NotFoundError(`Webhook with URL ID ${urlId} not found`);
return webhook;
* Updates the status of a webhook based on the current confirmation count.
* Tracks each confirmation update and marks the webhook as 'processing' or 'success' as appropriate.
* @async
* @private
* @param {Webhook} webhook - The webhook document being processed.
* @param {number} currentConfirmations - The latest count of confirmations for the transaction.
* @return {Object} An object with updates for the webhook's status and confirmations.
* @throws {Error} If there is an issue with processing the webhook status.
const _processWebhookStatus = async (webhook, currentConfirmations) => {
const statusUpdate = {
status: webhook.status,
lastProcessedConfirmation: webhook.currentConfirmation,
currentConfirmation: currentConfirmations,
confirmationsReceived: [...webhook.confirmationsReceived],
if (webhook.status === "pending") statusUpdate.status = "processing";
statusUpdate.confirmationsReceived[currentConfirmations] = {
confirmationNumber: currentConfirmations,
timestamp: new Date(),
if (currentConfirmations === 6) {
statusUpdate.status = "success";
// Delete the webhook from BlockCypher
await _deleteWebhook(webhook.response.id, webhook._id);
return statusUpdate;
* Prepares the transaction and wallet update data based on the transaction details from the webhook body.
* Calculates the amount involved for the monitored address and determines the necessary updates.
* @async
* @private
* @param {Webhook} webhook - The webhook document containing response data.
* @return {Object} An object containing updates for the transaction and wallet.
* @throws {Error} Thrown if there is an issue in processing the transaction or wallet update data.
* @note This function does not directly update the database but prepares data for subsequent updates.
const _processWebhookTransactionData = async (webhook) => {
const transactionDetails = webhook.body;
const monitoredAddress = webhook.response.address;
const amountInvolved = transactionDetails.outputs.reduce((sum, output) => {
return output.addresses.includes(monitoredAddress)
? sum + output.value
: sum;
}, 0);
if (amountInvolved > 0) {
// Create UTXO records only for the first confirmation
if (transactionDetails.confirmations === 1) {
const utxoPromises = transactionDetails.outputs
.map((output, index) => {
if (output.addresses.includes(monitoredAddress)) {
// Prepare UTXO data with the correct output index
const utxoData = {
userRef: webhook.userRef,
eventRef: webhook.eventRef,
transactionHash: transactionDetails.hash,
outputIndex: index,
amount: output.value,
address: monitoredAddress,
scriptPubKey: output.script,
scriptType: output.script_type,
blockHeight: transactionDetails.block_height,
timestamp: new Date(transactionDetails.received),
// Add UTXO to wallet
return addUTXOToWallet(webhook.walletRef, utxoData);
return null;
.filter((promise) => promise !== null);
try {
await Promise.all(utxoPromises);
} catch (error) {
log.error("Error creating UTXOs:", error);
// Determine transaction status based on confirmation count
const isConfirmed = transactionDetails.confirmations >= 6;
const transactionStatus = isConfirmed ? "completed" : "confirming";
// Prepare transaction update data
const transactionUpdate = {
confirmations: transactionDetails.confirmations,
status: transactionStatus,
confirmedAmount: isConfirmed ? amountInvolved : 0,
unconfirmedAmount: !isConfirmed ? amountInvolved : 0,
// Prepare wallet update data
const walletUpdate = {
confirmedIncrement: isConfirmed ? amountInvolved : 0,
transactionDetails.confirmations === 1 ? amountInvolved : 0,
unconfirmedDecrement: isConfirmed ? amountInvolved : 0,
return { transactionUpdate, walletUpdate };
} else {
`No transaction amount for monitored address: ${monitoredAddress}`,
return { transactionUpdate: null, walletUpdate: null };
* Updates the database record of a specific webhook with new data.
* Primarily used to update the status and data payload of a webhook.
* @async
* @private
* @param {string} urlId - The unique identifier of the webhook.
* @param {Object} updateData - New data for updating the webhook.
* @return {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated webhook object.
* @throws {NotFoundError} If the webhook with the specified URL ID is not found.
const _updateWebhook = async (urlId, updateData) => {
const updatedWebhook = await Webhook.findOneAndUpdate({ urlId }, updateData, {
new: true,
if (!updatedWebhook)
throw new NotFoundError(
`Webhook with URL ID ${urlId} not found for update`,
return updatedWebhook;
* Soft deletes a webhook in the database and removes its registration with BlockCypher.
* This is a cleanup operation performed when a webhook is no longer needed.
* @async
* @private
* @param {string} blockcypherId - The Blockcypher ID of the webhook to delete.
* @param {string} webhookId - The ID of the webhook to delete.
* @throws {Error} If there's an issue with the deletion process.
const _deleteWebhook = async (blockcypherId, webhookId) => {
// URL for the DELETE request to BlockCypher API
const deleteUrl = `${apiBaseUrl}/hooks/${blockcypherId}?token=${apiToken}`;
// Make the DELETE request to BlockCypher
await deleteAPI(deleteUrl);
// Additionally, soft delete the webhook record from the local database
await Webhook.findByIdAndUpdate(webhookId, { isDeleted: true });
log.info(`Webhook with ID ${blockcypherId} soft deleted.`);
module.exports = {